- Amos (about 6 years old) told Pastor Rogers last week that "before I was saved, I used to be a thief," in answer to how things have changed for him since being at Cornerstone...for 2 years. Yes, my friends, Amos was a thief up to his 4th year...Love a child's perspective and heart for God! On a more sober note, he talked about watching his dad try to kill his older brother. We knew his grandmother rescued him after his mom died, but didn't know about what was happening with his dad. So many stories...31 of them, actually.
- The kids all came to my house on Friday morning for pancakes - 31 of them with their mom and dad, Rogers, Betty and I. That's 36 people in my living room. It was really crowded, but so fun. After they finished, we told them they got to go home that day. So much cheering!! So, they are home now until this Friday. I am missing them, but know that for the most part, they are having a great time.
- A little contest: in the first picture, can you identify what the object is that the men are carrying to put in my back yard? What is it and what is it's use (2 points total possible...;) [SORRY, picture did not come though]
- The second picture is of the front of church all decorated for the Christmas service. They do a lot of decorating with balloons at Christmas here. The Christmas tree is there to the left of George and David (David is running the service and George is the interpreter). Church here on Christmas is traditionally very small - the opposite of the States - as people leave the towns to go back to their home villages to visit parents, family and clans who still live out there. So our attendance was just about 1/2 of normal.
- The 3rd picture is of Moses in his suit (thanks, Maria!). He does stand, walk, etc. by himself, but was being goofy and refusing to stand and look at the camera, so one of the boys stood him up for the picture. He has become quite a character - loves life so much!
- We had a Christmas/Boxing Day party for the church yesterday - Cornerstone Bakery (me) made the cakes (7). We had about 200 people...2/3 were kids who heard we were serving cake and soda. People had lots of fun. It started at 3pm...which meant only a handful of people were there until 4:30 when everything really got started. We gave out all the extra soap, mouthwash and some of the toothbrushes brought with the team in August (thanks, Sunnyside Team!!) and asked each person to give their item to someone in need in the name of Jesus. BTW - that's what Boxing Day is about - giving out of your abundance to those in need.
- The whole foundation is dug and this morning they were throwing big rocks (about 20-30kg each - 50-65 pounds) down in it. Later today or tomorrow they begin pouring cement and whatever else they do with a foundation. Sorry, I'll report as it happens, but I don't have much experience with the building process. We're so excited to receive the Evergreen team in 2 weeks - they are coming to work on the building with our Ugandan builders.
There was a warning from the US Embassy this past week for Americans in Uganda about credible evidence that terrorist groups are targeting Americans and American interests in Uganda during the holiday season, and a Ugandan pastor in Kampala had just finished his Christmas service Sunday morning when someone walked up and threw acid in his face. He is now blind and in extreme pain. We are being very vigilant right now, as you might guess.
I usually don't share these kinds of things with all of you, but felt you should know and thank God for our safety and pray as you are led. Thank you so much!
We are having a New Year's Eve gathering, but may change the way it is organized and the location so we are not so "seen." I trust all of you will have a Happy New Year's. Can you believe it's already 2012??
Thank you for your continued prayers, thoughts, cards, financial gifts and wishes for us. Please pray as you are led - you never know what you are preventing and/or bringing into being for Cornerstone, our kids, staff and church. God is at work!