If you do get the picture, you will see all our children who received new clothes (gently used clothing from many of you!) on Sunday afternoon. We told the kids in the middle of August that if they kept their school shoes very well for 2 months, we would give them one additional outfit. They currently all have 5 outfits - 2 uniforms for school, 2 play outfits and 1 outfit for church. So, those who were careful with their shoes would get one more outfit for church. I'm happy to report that 20 of our 30 kids got new outfits! (You will see 21 kids in the picture - we did give Moses a new pair of pants, even though he doesn't actually have school shoes!) Any of you who are parents will recognize the positive reinforcement we are trying here - and boy, did it work well!! The other 9 children were sad...some even crying...that they did not get to have a new outfit. We first had a meeting with all the children in which we gave out the clothes. Then, while the picture was being taken by Abby, Rogers and I met with the 9 and talked with them about how they might be able to also get new clothes - we will give them some hand-me-down shoes in a month or so and if they keep them well for 2 months we will see about adding an outfit for them. So, there is hope for them, but they really learned the lesson! We will see now how they keep their shoes.
Thanks so much for the clothes you sent with us! We actually have SO many that we are starting a clothing area in our house where we will keep clothes ready for when kids outgrow theirs. We do need some smaller boys' pants and shorts, though. If any of you have like sizes 3-6 boys gently used pants, let me know.
Another thing I am wondering: do any of you have legos that your children are finished playing with? We bought some blocks like duplos here and they crack and break when you try to put them together. I'm hoping to get a lead on some legos and see how to get them here.
As I think of it, a couple other things: some matchbox cars (the boys LOVE these for allowance prizes, and we are just about out of the ones I brought) and some kids' movies.
One kind of scary thing that happened this week: we took the next 3 kids who had earned enough with allowance to go swimming in Mbale. Everything was great...well, except the rain and thunder during the swim time - way cold for Ugandan children!! and for Abby. But, on the way home, we were turning from the main road (called a tarmac here) to go to our house and a speeding matatu (mini van taxi) decided that was the time to pass on the right. As Rogers turned the car, the matatu crashed into his side. We sort of bounced off the matatu and Rogers was quite level-headed and kept control of the car. He pulled into the petrol station across the street. Charles, one of our boys, was really shaken up and began throwing up in the car. Abby quickly got the kids together and walked them up to their home. The driver of the matatu continued, but was stopped by the traffic police stop up a ways and returned. The driver got out and started yelling at me, saying I didn't have my indicator on, was on the phone while driving, was driving crazy, etc. I let him rant, then calmly said, "I wasn't driving." Anyway, as of today, the police have determined it was his fault and he is paying all expenses for the car to get fixed...front right panel, front right door, headlamps all have to be replaced. Total cost - Shs250,000=\. Okay, for all of you dollars people - that's about $115.
Please pray for all 6 of us who were in the car - Charles, Ronald and Oliver, as well as Abby, Rogers and me. We were all pretty shaken up. And pray that our future journeys will be safe!!
Thank you to all of you who prayed and continue praying for us!
BTW - before I began speaking yesterday at church, I felt the Lord nudge me that someone there needed to get saved. One of our members, George, had invited a neighbor and she raised her hand and received Jesus. She has been involved in witchcraft to try to get what she needs, and now is depending on the Lord. Please pray for this new sister - Christine.
Okay, got to go now. I sure appreciate all of you who continue to support us in so many ways!! God bless you.
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