We had a great weekend at Evergreen Christian Center in Hillsboro, visiting with old friends, meeting new friends and getting to show some pictures and videos of what's happening in Budaka. Thanks, Pastors Ann and Jared, for letting us be with you.
I will be in the States for about 4 weeks and will be heading to Burley (Idaho), Eugene (Oregon), Austin (Texas) and Fremont (California) and many places inbetween! Then back to my kids and the work in Uganda.
The first picture this week is of Sarah, who it looks like will be #31 - we weren't really planning to have another child yet, but there is a great need here and both Rogers and I looked at each other and felt the same thing - she is to be one of us. We met her at camp when the Sunnyside team was here. Nurse Lydia saw the wound on her leg (perhaps you can see it on her left leg near the ankle) and decided this girl needed medical attention. Sarah has had this wound for 2 years and it just wasn't getting better. So, Lydia left money for it to get fixed. Sarah's family, apparently, wouldn't let her come to get treatment for a couple of weeks. We're not sure what was happening with that, but we know that they are Muslim, so maybe it had to do with not wanting her to change religions. Anyway, she finally came last Monday and we took her to Mbale. The doctor did surgery and the leg is looking SO much better! The doctor's strong words were "this girl needs a high protein diet for this to get well!" So, she is at Cornerstone for at least 2 weeks and her grandmother, who has cared for her for the past 10 years of her life, is not able to feed or clothe her well and is glad for the opportunity for her to be with us. I'll let you know if this becomes permanent, but it is looking like it will be. We had said these things:
- we will not take any more children till we have a bigger place
- we will not take any children over 7 years old
The second picture is of a sunset a couple of days before I left - it was like the sun was on fire, burning up the sky. I took the picture standing outside the orphanage and looking down the road toward Pastor Rogers' house. We see so many amazing natural things like this in Uganda! I was talking with Matt on Sunday about the stars at night in Uganda - you can see stars almost to the horizon at night when the electricity is off...most of the time ;)...I wish I could get a picture to show you how incredible the sky is at night!
Abby is with me and will be traveling to all our in-the-U.S. destinations and then will be staying in the States for some time before returning to Budaka. I will miss her terribly in Budaka, and the kids are really upset she's not coming back with me. She told them she had to obey the Lord's direction, that He had shown her this was the next step for her. On her last couple of days, then, several of them came and said they were praying about it and the Lord told THEM that she was supposed to stay in Uganda. Ha! They are so going to miss her interaction throughout the days, her leading Sunday School and Saturday School, overseeing allowance time, etc, etc!!
Okay, as always, I could go on and on, but let's put a comma here and I will talk with you again next week...from Hillsboro I think, then Eugene the next week (Texas inbetween), then Burley, then Fremont, then Belgium on my way home to Budaka!
The calendars are here (thanks, Matt!), so let me know if you want some. I have many orders already...and we can reprint as necessary. They are $20 each and the proceeds all go to support Cornerstone Uganda Ministries.
Love you all and hope to see most, if not all of you before I go back. Thanks for all the love and support!

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