First, I came back late Tuesday night into Entebbe (where the airport is in Uganda - yes, there's only 1), then back to Budaka on Wednesday. Lost luggage, trip back to Kampala the next day. It's at the Brussels Airlines office in Kampala...but it's not...wait 3 hours...oh, yes, we found it here at the back to Budaka...all the while jet lagging...raining so hard the bridge over the Nile River (about 1/2 way home) was flooded with water up to the underside of the car. Did I mention that this is the ONLY road to Budaka from Kampala? Waiting...ah, Uganda. I remember...
The kids received me with singing and lots of hugs. And, there, in the midst was Moses just smiling up at me. When I lifted him up, he snuggled into my neck. Ah, sweet homecoming!
Church was awesome yesterday! There were well over 130 a space that is about 20' wide and 40' long. And about 80 kids (sorry - haven't heard the "official" counts yet). When the adult visitors introduced themselves during the service, 4 of the 10 said they had come to receive Jesus as their Savior. By the end of the service, another person came and said he wanted to get saved also. Last week was apparently very similar with 4 people getting saved. We are growing so fast right now...and with new Christians. As Rogers and I met today, we agreed that this next weekend we will talk with the church about 2 things: 1) we will be going to 2 services that are the same and everyone should choose 1 to go to, and 2) as individual members we must ask how we are to help in buying land and building a building. (As most of you know, we have land for the children's home and school - at this point there is not enough room to have the church there also.) I am so excited to see how people respond...many have already come to say we must do something. We will challenge them to be a part of the solution. Please pray with us.
2 weeks before I got home, our Headmaster David's home was broken into and they stole money, his phone, some clothes and my iPod. We use the iPod to play worship songs before and after services, as well as to teach the worship team new songs, both English and Luganda. Anyway, now that is gone - the police are looking, but very little chance it will be returned. If any of you have an iPod that you are no longer using and you'd love to have it used in this way, would you let me know and we will find a way to get it here with the next team that comes.
Saturday School was not this last weekend - we have changed the dates so it happens 1 month in Budaka, 1 in Kabuna and then 1 month we don't have it. Then the cycle repeats. Anyway, on our first not-having-Saturday-School day, just under 120 children showed up. See the picture of some of those kids...Rogers and I talked with them for a few minutes, gave them some crackers and sent them home. (We sang "I Like Bananas"...they all LOVE the song thanks to the Sunnyside team - thanks, guys!) Over half of those who showed up came from Kabuna (about 3 miles away), and they are SO excited we will be doing SS in their village! We also invited them to Sunday School the next day and Rogers said many showed up.
One of the things we got in the States was new (well, gently used anyway) shoes for all the children who had kept their shoes well for the past year. I gave these out to the kids on Saturday. The picture you have is of Sarah, our newest girl. This is her first pair of shoes ever. She has had sandals, but never shoes. She was SO excited, as you can see. The other children in the picture are Charity (in the yellow), William and Charles. Sarah has her trousers rolled up so you can see her shoes.
I also got to show the kids all the things we brought back that they will be able to buy with their allowance "money" in the coming weeks. We didn't "sell" any this weekend, but told them they would be available soon. Monicah told me that only the youngest children bought anything that day - they are waiting to buy the new stuff. This includes the Hot Wheels, stuffed animals, bouncy balls, crazy straws, etc., etc. - all things many of you gave for the kids. Thanks for being part of teaching them responsibility!
One more many more to say, but will limit it to this last all sent so much VIA that I wasn't sure how many years it would take to drink it all. Abby had a great idea --- I took 150 packets to church yesterday and gave every adult one as a gift from the States. They were thrilled to receive something and to taste an American drink! And, now I estimate I only have 200 left. Enough for some time! I'll let you know their responses to American coffee...
Sure love you all. Thank you for your financial support, prayers, emotional support (through emails, texts and phone calls). The staff this morning saw pictures and videos of many of you and were so encouraged. God bless you.

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