It's a great day here at the Oregon coast - cold, but fairly clear! Abby and I are here resting for a couple of days before I return to Uganda. It has been a wonderful trip to the States - thank you for all your affirmations about what we are doing, for your blessings of words, clothing and toys for the kids, money and prayers. I feel so full going back.
Welcome to all of you new friends to these emails! You are so welcome to join with us in rejoicing in what God is doing in the children and adults of Budaka.
Both pictures I am sending you today were emailed to me yesterday by Rogers. The first picture is of Moses. Rogers told him the picture was for Teacher Abby and Pastor Laurie, and he smiled for us. All of you who were at the presentations got to see him walking in the video - this boy wants to be just like the other kids. And, according to Monica, he gets his clothes dirty like this at least a couple of times a day! Glad we could share "our" picture with you ;)
The second picture is of our girls washing. Just thought you might like to see how we get our kids' clothes clean. The girls are, from left to right, Margaret (a school boarder), Sarah (our newest child), Natasha and Brenda 1. The woman helping them is Rachel, who we hire part time each month to wash and clean the girls' things so Monica has time to work with allowance and the Wednesday night program for the kids. Those of you who saw Abby and/or me in our gomesi dresses, please note that Rachel has on a gomesi also.
At my home, I hire one of Rogers' older daughters each month to wash my clothes 2x per week. It gives each some money to spend, plus I put money in an account each month for their college education. It works great for all of us: I don't have to spend the hours and back pain to wash and they get money. Great all the way around! And, when I go back in a few days, one of them will spend the night at my house each night so I am not alone (not safe, being one of only 3 foreigners in Budaka).
Well, I am going to go walk on the beach with Abby. Thank you all for your GENEROUS gifts to take back for the kids. Thank you, too, for continuing to pray and listen to how God wants you to be involved in Cornerstone. God bless you today!

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