So, here I am in Mbale on Tuesday (instead of Monday) writing to you, and as always, so much more to tell than can be told in one email. But let me try to give you at least a little picture of our life here this past week.
- On Wednesday night, the kids learned about the birth of Jesus and then made stables and the characters from the story out of sticks, leaves and mud. I have included one picture of all the kids standing behind their creations, but if you want to see all of them, get on my FB pictures and look at Christmas in Budaka (2011). They are really creative. This Sunday night, I will show them a video of the Christmas story.
- The 2nd picture is of a small group of kids at my house playing with legos. Thank you all for your gifts of legos and duplos to these kids. the legos stay at my house and I have a group of 4-5 children each week who come and spend 2 hours with me. I read them a book, they build something with legos and they get to talk to Abby on the phone individually. The kids in the picture are, from the left, Sarah, Mutwahiru and Dovico.
- On the past 3 Sunday nights we have had our weekly movie night with the kids at Pastor Rogers' house (he has a TV) and have been watching Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. The kids were enraptured! They kept asking me questions like, "Pastor Laurie, will they get the car?", "Pastor Laurie, will the man get the children and kill them?", "Pastor Laurie, will they all die?". They can't wait for the ending! But, at the end when the bad guys got their comeuppance, all the kids started clapping and cheering. It was so fun to watch them enjoy it so much. AND, they really enjoyed the songs and dancing. Thanks to whichever one of you it was who sent me back with this movie. There are many more to watch...
- We sold our first order from the bakery. I was so excited! It was to the 3 Peace Corps workers who come visit occasionally. You will see them in the 3rd picture as they hold their goodies and are handing me money. They have since ordered 2 more times...and told me they are going to hire a boda boda (motorcycle taxi) driver to come pick up orders and take to their homes. They said, "we will go back to America fatter, but at least we are supporting the kids!" Ha!
- I made 150 snickerdoodles and a loaf of bread (which I cut into small pieces) and took to church for everyone to try as an advertisement for Cornerstone Bakery. (Hope it's not like money changers in the temple...) People loved both things, but kept commenting, "Americans sure like sweet things!" about the cookies.
- Our kids go "home" to their clans/families next week on Friday the 23rd for a week so they can celebrate Christmas in a cultural way and enjoy their extended families.
- I saved the best for last: BIG NEWS! We officially begin building our kids' home and school TODAY! Stephen (our builder) is measuring, looking at the plans, and hiring day laborers now. We have a building team coming from Hillsboro, OR, in early January who will join Stephen for 10 days. He is so excited to have the expertise and help from some Americans. THANK YOU to all of you at Evergreen who gave sacrificially so we can begin the building. It is amazing. For those of you who are not from there, at the direction of Pastors Ann and Jared, the church collected a Christmas offering for the orphanage of over $42,000! We were overwhelmed. We should be able to be in the building right after the school year begins (in late January). God is so good and His people are so generous. THANK YOU again.
I think that is enough for one day. I hope you made it all the way to the end with me. I know Christmas is coming and you are all busy with so many activities. May you be blessed as you celebrate Jesus' birth. Thank you to all of you who are helping the people of Budaka come to know this baby and our Savior in a real way.
Full of God's love,

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