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Monday, October 1, 2012

Oct 1st

Today is the first day of mid-term exams for the school and so there was "parade" this morning. Parade is an assembly of the children. The teachers, the Headmaster and the head prefect get to talk to them and encourage them about their tests. I also got to talk with them before they went in for their tests, encouraging them to do their best, as well as praying for them. I included a picture of parade for you to see. The teachers are on the sides. Let's play "Where's Waldo," and see which of you can find Ellen in the picture. Email me when you find her...

The Evergreen team will be here next week and so we are busy preparing for the pastors' conferences they will teach at, as well as getting things ready for Glen and Caley at the school - they will be doing workshops with our teachers. In getting ready for the pastors' conference in Iki Iki, a village near us, we found that there is a lot of infighting and the pastors couldn't decide on a church to have it in. All wanted it in their church, and wanted to bill it as their pastors' conference that they were offering to the other churches in the area. So, we have sent a pastor in to resolve the differences and invite everyone. He has chosen a neutral place, and it looks like all will attend.

I have been working on the 2013 calendar final pictures this week, and yesterday, was trying to get a picture of Magdalene, our youngest child. She came with stuff on her face (like any 3-year-old the world over...). I sent her back to wash her face, and Natasha found her and was washing her face. I said, "Natasha, where did you get the water for her face?" She said, "I have water here." I have sent you a picture of the "here" she was talking about. She had been mopping the cement in front of the orphanage, and used the water you see in the basin at her feet to clean Magdalene's face. I'll bet you had the same reaction I did - "YUCK! That's gross!" But, to both of them, it was business as usual. And...I got a great picture of Magdalene for the calendar.

Things are going well - everyone is healthy again, no threats to our lives this week, life is good! (Well, the electricity has been off a total of about 3 days this week off and on, but it's a little thing...) I am so thankful for all of you and your support for Cornerstone. The 2013 Cornerstone calendar has pictures of some of you...

Have a great day!


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