There was no time yesterday to send out a letter, so let me give you a short recap of this past week this morning:
- We did a 3-day conference with pastors out in Iki Iki. Pastors Ann and Kevin taught about the pastors' devotional life (using SOAP as a model), and basic hermeneutics principles. Great teaching and help to the pastors. I have included a picture of the pastors with their certificates for finishing. The team also brought all the senior pastors in attendance a study Bible. It was such a blessing for the pastors, and will be a great blessing for the Budaka district and the Bugwere tribe!
- Glenn and Cayley have been at the school, teaching classes and doing a workshop with the teachers each afternoon. They have been so warmly welcomed, and have already made such an impact on the school. One day, after the workshop, Headmaster David went back after Glenn and Cayley had left and found the teachers dancing for joy at what they were learning!
- Pastor Emily worked in the bakery 2 days with Abby and Monicah and came out to the pastors' conference one of the days to teach some sessions. Such a blessing to have such a positive, encouraging, willing-to-help-in-any-way woman!
- The team has spent as much of their extra time as possible with the kids. Here's a picture of Pastor Kevin teaching Sarah how to bat. He taught all of them how to play baseball. They loved the game and picked it up really quickly.
- Church was great on Sunday as Glenn, Kevin, Emily and Cayley worked with our kids, 2 at each service, and Ann taught with the adults at both services. She taught about forgiveness and many were impacted to go and forgive those who had wronged them. Very cool!
Love you all! Thank you for your participation in what God is doing here!

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