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Monday, October 29, 2012

Oct 29th - Back at 'ya!

It's been 2 weeks since I've written an update on Cornerstone...let's see if I can recap:

The team from E! was amazing! 
  • Workshops for our teachers and headmaster, teaching classes, spending time with teachers 
  • 2 pastors' conferences with a total of over 80 people in attendance...many pastors learning for the first time how to study the Bible and prepare a sermon (many people in the villages are appointed without any training) 
  • Saturday School with 250+ kids in attendance...singing songs, having a snack, playing games and hearing about the Lost Sheep
  • Field trip to Kampala with our 30 orphans and the staff...first time on an escalator for all our kids, and most of our staff...learning some history of Uganda at the king's palace...playing at Wonder World, a small amusement park
  • Fun "American" time for Abby, Ellen and me...playing games, sharing American humor, talking about the election, etc.
  • Teaching both weekends at church (Ann one weekend and Kevin the next) 
  • All team members working with our kids and many others at Sunday School
We try to treat our guests well, so we "arranged" for the following:
  • someone broke into our compound and stole our generator out of (what we thought was) its secure house 
  • a 2 1/2 foot poisonous snake which the night watchman killed - about 1am
  • many frogs hopping in and making themselves at home in their rooms
  • a break-in of a car in front of us during a traffic jam. A guy punched the occupant and stole his cell phone 
  • a speedy retreat, without our food, from a restaurant because we spotted a man who has threatened us
  • planning by the airline's website for a delayed flight (almost 2 hours late), only to arrive at the airport and find the flight had already taken off on time. 24 hours' delay in getting home. 
Even with all these "bonuses," the team left an amazing legacy in Budaka. A huge thank you to all of them: Ann, Emily, Glenn, Kevin and Caley. Thanks, Guys!!

The children each got small group time with the team and SO enjoyed them. I have included some pictures from their time. The first 2 pics are when we were sitting and having lunch on the field trip. Each adult had 2 children throughout the day. You can see Caley with, from the left, Beatrice, Lisa (with her back to the camera) and Margret. The other pic is of Abby with some of the boys. If you look carefully, you will see Ann and Glenn in the background. The 3rd picture is of Brenda 2, Beatrice and Hope playing ball. The other kids were learning baseball from Kevin and these 3 were just not interested...The 4th pic is of Abby holding her birthday cake. That cake fed 75 people. The kids were thrilled to celebrate in an American fashion. They each gave a gift of telling one thing they really like about Abby.

All is getting back to normal - even my weekly emails ;). We hope to move the bakery this week to Mbale - more next week on this one!

Thank you all for supporting what God is doing here in Budaka. We are so glad to be partnering with you to touch these children's and adults' lives. May God bless you today!


Calendars will be ordered Nov 15, in time for Christmas giving season. Let me know if you want some sent to you to buy or sell. Each month shows a different effect Cornerstone has had on individuals and the community of Budaka.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Oct 25th - Check it out

No long email right now - just a quick note to say check out our facebook page and see lots of pics of the team that was here, plus a video of Moses dancing today. You'll love it!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Oct 15th - Oops - Tuesday morning

Friends and Family:

There was no time yesterday to send out a letter, so let me give you a short recap of this past week this morning:
  • We did a 3-day conference with pastors out in Iki Iki. Pastors Ann and Kevin taught about the pastors' devotional life (using SOAP as a model), and basic hermeneutics principles. Great teaching and help to the pastors. I have included a picture of the pastors with their certificates for finishing. The team also brought all the senior pastors in attendance a study Bible. It was such a blessing for the pastors, and will be a great blessing for the Budaka district and the Bugwere tribe! 
  • Glenn and Cayley have been at the school, teaching classes and doing a workshop with the teachers each afternoon. They have been so warmly welcomed, and have already made such an impact on the school. One day, after the workshop, Headmaster David went back after Glenn and Cayley had left and found the teachers dancing for joy at what they were learning! 
  • Pastor Emily worked in the bakery 2 days with Abby and Monicah and came out to the pastors' conference one of the days to teach some sessions. Such a blessing to have such a positive, encouraging, willing-to-help-in-any-way woman!
  • The team has spent as much of their extra time as possible with the kids. Here's a picture of Pastor Kevin teaching Sarah how to bat. He taught all of them how to play baseball. They loved the game and picked it up really quickly. 
  • Church was great on Sunday as Glenn, Kevin, Emily and Cayley worked with our kids, 2 at each service, and Ann taught with the adults at both services. She taught about forgiveness and many were impacted to go and forgive those who had wronged them. Very cool! 
More happening, but will get back to you next week with the details. Sorry this email was so late.

Love you all! Thank you for your participation in what God is doing here!


Monday, October 8, 2012

Oct 8th - Update

Greetings, Friends and Family!

As always, there have been many things happening this week in Budaka! Here are a few:
  • We are so excited to receive the team from Evergreen the day after tomorrow! They should be getting on the plane to leave very soon from Portland. There are 5 people - 2 educators and 3 pastors. They will be working, respectively, with the school and the pastors in our area. We are anticipating great results from these endeavors, as well as the many other things we will be doing - Saturday School in a new village (Naboa), a "field trip" with our kids and staff, Sunday School and adult church with our Buzungu ("white") friends. They are bringing many things that we had to leave behind last time including more Bibles, labels for the bakery, screens for our windows, etc., etc. Please be in prayer for all of them as they travel and serve here in Budaka. Thank you.
  • Four of our kids had earned enough in their allowance to get to go to Mbale and swim in the pool at the hotel on Saturday. They have to have shs10,000 [$3.72] (about $5) to purchase this trip. Abby and Ellen took them - hope to get the pics to you this next week. The kids who went were Mutwahiru, Sarah, Brenda 2 and Magdalene. It was, for all 4 of them, the first time to ever be in more water than for bathing. They splashed and played and had great fun. Well, I understand it took Magdalene (age 3) about 30 minutes to even get near the water, but then she began enjoying it with everyone else. It was great to hear about Mutwahiru, who walks with a very definite limp, being like the other kids in the pool! He will be having surgery in November to lengthen his leg, so we took him this time as he won't be able to swim again for some time.
  • Aunt Betty (Pastor Rogers' wife) brought a group of the boys from the school down to dig in the front yard so we can plant eggplants there. You may remember we recently had sunflowers there. Those were picked, and these boys came to dig up the ground and get it ready for our next planting. (There are 2-4 growing seasons in Uganda depending on the dry and rainy seasons that year. We are on our 3rd season for this year --- tomatoes, then sunflowers and now eggplants.) I have sent you a picture of the boys as they are finishing the yard - there were about 15 boys who weren't involved in music, dance or sports that day. Our Cornerstone kids beg to come and dig at the house - they really enjoy it! The 2nd picture shows some boys building a "tent" over the bed of seedlings for the eggplant in the front yard. As soon as they are big enough, they will be transplanted in the front. The tent provides protection from both intense sun and intense rain. As the boys left, I thanked them and gave them each Skittles - they were thrilled to have American candies!
  • The bakery is moving! We are hoping that by the beginning of November, we will have the move complete. Cornerstone Bakery will now have its own shop in Mbale. We will bake and sell from the shop. So, the whole operation is moving from Budaka. We have asked one of our trusted staff members to move and run it. We are looking in Kampala tomorrow for a display case for the products. As we have prayed about this business expanding and how to handle the workload from it, this seems to be the best move. We have a place picked out at a strategic point in Mbale. Thanks to all of you who have been sending suggestions and help, and praying for us in this transition. Right now, we will work with our current stove and refrigerator and move up in size as business continues to expand. (We are also looking at prices in Kampala for those things so we can better plan for the future.)
  • I have sent a separate email to some of you about the 2013 calendars. If you would like to know more about how to access these for yourself and/or your school, church or business, just send me an email and I'll send the information. This is another of the small businesses we have to support Cornerstone. Thanks to all of you who bought 2012 calendars! You jointly raised enough for 1 month's income this year. 

Okay, got to get back to finish the preparations for the team coming. Have a wonderful day...and thank you again to all of you who are supporting Cornerstone in so many ways. You are making a huge impact on's kids, leaders, churches, and schools, as well as on Pastor Rogers and me!


Monday, October 1, 2012

Oct 1st

Today is the first day of mid-term exams for the school and so there was "parade" this morning. Parade is an assembly of the children. The teachers, the Headmaster and the head prefect get to talk to them and encourage them about their tests. I also got to talk with them before they went in for their tests, encouraging them to do their best, as well as praying for them. I included a picture of parade for you to see. The teachers are on the sides. Let's play "Where's Waldo," and see which of you can find Ellen in the picture. Email me when you find her...

The Evergreen team will be here next week and so we are busy preparing for the pastors' conferences they will teach at, as well as getting things ready for Glen and Caley at the school - they will be doing workshops with our teachers. In getting ready for the pastors' conference in Iki Iki, a village near us, we found that there is a lot of infighting and the pastors couldn't decide on a church to have it in. All wanted it in their church, and wanted to bill it as their pastors' conference that they were offering to the other churches in the area. So, we have sent a pastor in to resolve the differences and invite everyone. He has chosen a neutral place, and it looks like all will attend.

I have been working on the 2013 calendar final pictures this week, and yesterday, was trying to get a picture of Magdalene, our youngest child. She came with stuff on her face (like any 3-year-old the world over...). I sent her back to wash her face, and Natasha found her and was washing her face. I said, "Natasha, where did you get the water for her face?" She said, "I have water here." I have sent you a picture of the "here" she was talking about. She had been mopping the cement in front of the orphanage, and used the water you see in the basin at her feet to clean Magdalene's face. I'll bet you had the same reaction I did - "YUCK! That's gross!" But, to both of them, it was business as usual. And...I got a great picture of Magdalene for the calendar.

Things are going well - everyone is healthy again, no threats to our lives this week, life is good! (Well, the electricity has been off a total of about 3 days this week off and on, but it's a little thing...) I am so thankful for all of you and your support for Cornerstone. The 2013 Cornerstone calendar has pictures of some of you...

Have a great day!
