Hello, Friends and Family:
Let's see, what can I share with you that gives you a little picture of my life today?
- How about the matatu (mini-van size taxi) that had 22 people in it this morning...and you could see the road through the holes in the floor? Or,
- ...maybe early morning (5am) hand sewing for Isaac...his initials in his school socks so he would have them to wear to school today? Or,
- ...delivering the bread we made Thursday and Saturday for the kids and staff this morning (4 loaves of wheat/millet flour bread and 2 loaves of banana bread)? Or,
- ...settling an argument between Magdalene and Charity (about whose uniform is whose)? Or,
- ...sharing devotions with our staff at 7am (Genesis 12:1-3 - be a blessing today)? Or,
- ...the directors' meeting with Pastor Rogers as we plot the future, both near and far, of Cornerstone?
School started last Monday. One morning I went down and there was Moses, as you can see in the picture. I said, "Moses, are you going to school?" He said, "Yes!" like what a dummy I was for not knowing. Don't you love him in his uniform and black shoes?? I told him I was going to take his picture and he looked up and said, "Hi, Abby!" Ha! He is so used to me saying I am taking pictures to send her. He just assumed the camera is a direct link to her.
We have almost 200 children at the school this year - haven't heard the exact number yet, but we could easily have more if we only had space. We have been turning many young children away. We are working on creative ways to make space. I'll update you as we discover what to do. By the way, at this rate, we are projecting that the school will bring in about 25% of our annual budget this year. Praise the Lord!
Tomorrow, Feb 7, is Cornerstone Christian Centre's (the church's) 2nd birthday! We began to meet on Sundays as a church with 27 people in attendance. In January of this year we are averaging over 200 each week at 2 Sunday morning services. Our attendance is about 40% children. God is doing great things as we meet together. A week doesn't go by that we don't have people who come as visitors, having heard from someone in Budaka about "that church." Very often we will have 2-3 who say, "I have come to get saved today," as they introduce themselves. It's like fruit just falling off the trees. I have included 2 pictures from church yesterday - one taken at the beginning of the 2nd service. The other is about 1/2 hour into that service, and this is what Gift, the young boy in the picture, thinks of our worship time. HA!
The children's home and school building is coming along so well - we are probably about 1/2 way to being able to move the kids and school down to the new property. They building guys will finish up their work this week and then we will let the concrete, foundation, etc., settle for a couple of weeks. (Apparently this is good for the building.) I went down with 4 of our girls on Saturday morning (when it was still cool - 7am!) and you can see them in the picture standing in front of the room that will be theirs when we complete the buildings. 2 of the teachers met us on the way and wanted to go see the work with us. Here's who's in the picture, from left to right, back row first: Brenda 1, Teacher James, Foreman John, Teacher Bosco. Front row: Sarah, Natasha, Hellen.
After the 2-3 weeks we are hoping to continue construction. At the present time we have used all the construction money that has come in (thanks to all of you who have given sacrificially to see that our kids get a home and school!) and are believing God to bring in the rest of what is needed in His time.
Lest you think everything is a picnic here, we had to have a meeting with the children yesterday to warn them about these 4 things:
- during rest time they have to rest. If they are talking, Monicah or Guster will write their name down and make a mark for each time they talk. They will lose shs1,000 ($0.43 usd) from their savings (allowance) for every mark. Just want to report that there was not even a peep yesterday during rest time!
- they cannot "spoil" their clothes. Some are tearing their clothes so they will get new ones - they know we have some in store for when they are needed (thanks to those of you who sent so many with the team!). They were seriously warned and told they will have to wear spoiled clothes if they do it purposefully.
- they cannot use their mosquito nets as trapezes. Seems the boys tie up their mosquito nets and then swing across the room to another bunk bed. No wonder we are always buying mosquito nets...the things boys will think of...
- they must remember (again!!!) to pick up their rubbish (trash) and not write on the walls of the buildings - as we don't want to move to a new building and have it be spoiled by having rubbish and writing on the walls.
Okay, enough for today. I am posting a video on FB of our Sunday School yesterday. Hope you can get there and see it.
God bless you. Again, thank you for listening to Him and helping support the work here in Budaka with your prayers, finances and encouragements. Our partnership in the Gospel is a blessing to all!
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