We did our 2nd Saturday School in Kabuna this weekend. The team from Hesperia (Bill, Ray, Kristi, Susan, Rich, Lisa, Haley and Brandi), along with Pastor John Kamanzi (the Foursquare country supervisor) went with us. The last Saturday School (an outreach to unchurched kids) in Kabuna was in December and we had over 300. So this time we expected about 400. We had enough snacks and materials for 500. You can see the game we played in the picture. We had 2 teams and a very large blow up globe (thanks to whoever sent this one - it worked great for this outing!). They had to sit on their bottoms and hit only with their hands and try to keep it in the air. It was fun and crazy! Lots of dust (it's the dry season) as they wiggled around to get it. The kids loved it!
I kept thinking, this seems like we must have 500-600 kids. We all just rolled with it. We split the kids into 2 groups so both could be in the shade of a large mango tree for the story and songs - they couldn't all fit under one tree. I just about lost my voice trying to sing loud enough just for my group and I kept thinking how hard it is to sing loud enough for 250 kids to learn a song.
The Hesperia team was doing the story in one area, then we switched places and I did the songs and games in the other area while they did the story in mine. It was hectic and I kept thinking...well, you know by now...this seems like we must have 500-600 kids.
So, then, we lined them up for snacks and juice (we had enough for 520 kids). We thought we might have to go get more biscuits for the maybe 80 more kids. Then we began handing out the biscuits while Rogers went to get the extra biscuits. We had 2 lines - you can see a part of one line in the picture - and I asked someone to go and count how many more biscuits we needed, expecting possibly 100 more. So, the first person came back and said we needed 140 more. Wow - way more than I thought. I called Rogers and told him to get more. But just as that person was telling me, another came and said, "But in my line we need an additional 183!" Okay, now we have 313 more we need. Called Rogers again. Now, we are at 833 kids. I'm totally floored, as is Rogers (who bought out the trading centers around Kabuna of all their biscuits!). But then another person comes and says, "In my line we just need 367 more." WHAT???? Are you sure you're not counting the same kids??? No - there are 3 lines and mine needs 367 more! I call Rogers again and both of us are speechless!
Have you added it up yet?? We had 1,200 children on Saturday. And not enough snacks...for juice they each got about 1/4 of a cup of the koolaid and had to share cups (we only have 300!). No wonder it felt so big and difficult to communicate!!!
The Hesperia team was wonderful...as were the Ugandans helping us. We were all amazed when we realized how many children we had just shared the Gospel with. WOW, GOD!
If you have fb - go and see the video I posted of the kids running to greet us as we drove to the site. It was overwhelming (but, of course we had no idea there were over 1,000 kids!).
I think everything else I could share with you right now pales in comparison with this...maybe next week I can share all the other amazing things God is doing...but I'm kinda stuck on this one right now. Please stop and praise God with us for these 1200. Isn't He amazing how He does things so far beyond what we can imagine??
I love you all - thank you for praying for me, for Cornerstone, for our kids and for all these kids we get to touch. God bless you today. Have fun rejoicing with us. You all are a part of the reason we can do Saturday School in Kabuna. It's like you were right there with us.

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