Last night we had all the kids come over to the house to watch a movie - what a hit! Most of these kids have never seen a television set, let alone watched a kids' movie. We showed a Tom and Jerry cartoon (really words...the kids LOVED it!) and then Bugs' Life. They thought it was so funny that bugs in America can talk! The electricity went off 2 times during the movie, and the 2nd time was too close to their bed time, so they still have about 20 more minutes of it to watch next week. I also had some candy corn that Abby had sent and told them there was a "holiday" in America called Halloween and it was on Sunday this year and we had candy corn on that day. So, they also got 2 pieces each of candy corn. They are SO impressed with America!
The first picture is of our kids having art lessons from the World Race team. There were 2 artists on the team (a request of ours before they came), and they had 1-hour lessons with the children on about 10 of the days. It was the first time for all the children to hold a paintbrush and attempt something like this. Thanks to Jullane for sending us all the supplies! The children were excited and very enthusiastic about painting. I do have to say that Charity's collar is now red instead of white, but that is to be expected...
The second picture I have sent is of our kids when they went out with the World Race team to pick up trash in Budaka. They went 4 days in a row in small groups with the Americans and picked up trash in various places in Budaka. They enjoyed the first 2 days a lot, and then just enjoyed so much being with the American team, but not so much the picking up trash part - just like kids everywhere, eh?
Yesterday we had new and bigger rooms for church - we have rented an additional room that is larger. so, the children are split into 2 classes and the adults have enough space to dance (a necessary part of worship here!). Also, the new room for the adults has 2 ceiling fans...almost like Heaven for some of us! We had 81 adults and 69 children - first time in awhile we have had more adults than children!
Please pray for Saturday School this week - it is Saturday morning from 10am-12pm.
Great news for us: running water has returned to Budaka after 7 months! So, now, in the morning we go out back and fill 9 jerry cans (about 5 gallons each) and then it is over for the day. It's so great!!
I hope you all are doing well - all our children and staff are healthy today (not often we can say everyone is healthy). Teacher David has had typhoid, but is finally feeling better today. Thank you all for praying for us. I will write more next week...or perhaps Friday if I get to an internet café.
Your gifts and contributions continue to make a difference in the lives of children and adults in Budaka. May the Lord bless you for your faithfulness.
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