I have only 3 more days in Uganda before I return to the States for a bit. I am excited to be back to some comforts of home, but so sad about leaving my kids for so long! We told them on Saturday night that I was leaving this week, but not how long I will be gone. I am giving and getting as many hugs as possible to hold all of us over... One of the older girls said she was fine with me leaving as long as I was back in a week. :-)
I had a great time with Moses on Saturday - just went over and spent an hour talking and working with him. He is such a joy...and so eager for relationship! He has learned where his nose is now and understands my English when I ask him. Next, ears, mouth, hands, etc.! He is growing so much! We weighed him this week at a checkup with his HIV/TB doctor - he is now 10kg - that's 22 pounds! When you think only 6 weeks ago he was only 7kg (about 15 pounds), that's great! The boy is growing. I will talk with a speech therapist when I'm in the States (thanks, Sharon!) to see how we can help him in his development. I also am praying for someone who can give weekly attention to him to get him ready to walk. He seems to have no interested in crawling, walking, talking, etc. Except - He is definitely interested in gesturing and pointing to "tell" on one of the children or on his "mother" who won't let him have something he wants. Just like all kids, eh?
The first picture I've sent is from last Sunday at church. This is the left side of the church in our new room. It's so much more spacious! We also were able to purchase 14 more chairs. This gives us a total of 33 chairs that CCC owns - we're really moving up in the world!!
The second picture is just a random picture of some of our boys having a great day a couple of weeks ago. They are, from left to right, William, Emma, Johnson, Amos, John, Peter and David.
We have an architect coming tomorrow to look at the property so he can draw a site plan for us - the next step in getting ready to build our first building (a home for our kids). We met with him for a couple of hours last week and he has agreed to take on the job...has some great ideas for us. It's exciting to have this all coming together. Thanks to so many of you for your regular monthly support and your special gifts above and beyond that to fund the land acquisition and building phase. God is using all of us to touch the people of Budaka in so many ways: helping orphans, having a Bible-believing church, offering jobs to many who were without, and many other things. Thanks for your participation!
We have an architect coming tomorrow to look at the property so he can draw a site plan for us - the next step in getting ready to build our first building (a home for our kids). We met with him for a couple of hours last week and he has agreed to take on the job...has some great ideas for us. It's exciting to have this all coming together. Thanks to so many of you for your regular monthly support and your special gifts above and beyond that to fund the land acquisition and building phase. God is using all of us to touch the people of Budaka in so many ways: helping orphans, having a Bible-believing church, offering jobs to many who were without, and many other things. Thanks for your participation!
Once again last night we could not have a movie night - no electricity. It came back on about 8pm (after being out since 9am), but that is bed time for them. Maybe they will get to do it next week!
Sure love you all, and am SO excited to get to see you. By next week at this time, I should be putting together my schedule for the time in the States and will get to all of you about when I can come and see you (if you're not in Hillsboro - those in Hillsboro, I hope to see you at the ECC services Saturday and Sunday next weekend). BTW - Rogers will be emailing pictures, so I will share them with you still each week...although at least 11 hours later than now.
See you in a very short time!
See you in a very short time!
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