It's great today to be able to write to you from here in Hillsboro. I can't believe how fast the pictures attach! Wow...forgot about internet connections here, and how fast they are. I'm also astounded with how COLD it is here. I have a turtleneck and sweater over it and still feel cool.
The first picture today is one Rogers took this morning and sent to me of the kids playing during break time (recess). They are in the courtyard of the orphanage. He sent a series of shots. You can see they are enjoying themselves. They do love their breaks! And they are in the midst of testing right now as it is almost the end of the school year. Great news - 2 of our kids have tested high enough to enter P3 next year. That's remarkable as they all came in at lower than P1 level. Haven't heard how all the rest have done, but am so proud of Brenda and Ronald!
The second picture is of Moses having a bath. He is such a happy boy these days...and he loves bathing! My last day at the orphanage (last Wednesday), he was whining when I went over, so I picked him up and cuddled him. Within 3-4 minutes he was fast asleep in my arms. So precious!
Someone tried to break into the orphanage on Friday night - they had a hoe (a formidable weapon in Uganda) and tried to hurt Cephas (our night watchman). I'm happy to report that Rogers said Cephas and Geofrey took him down and got him to the police station where he is still sitting waiting to go before a judge. God is watching out for our little ones! Thanks to all of you who are praying for protection!!
I am slowly getting over jet lag and hope to be on my feet and ready to go by next week. I'd love to meet with as many of you as possible and will be contacting those of you who have contacted me. Please let me know if you have time and would like to see some videos and more pictures of the kids.
Have a great Thanksgiving! Don't forget to give thanks for the miracles of 24 little lives that have been saved from uncertain futures...and for the many other miracles that are Cornerstone Uganda Ministries. Thank you...all who pray for, support and love these kids and staff.