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Monday, May 3, 2010

May 3rd Update

Greetings, my friends!
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You probably noticed that there was no update last week. I actually went to Mbale 2 times to send out an email, only to find out that the internet was "down" in all of eastern Uganda for several days. I spent 1 1/2 hours sending out one short email with a picture for a pancake breakfast that BAMM was holding for Cornerstone down in Fremont. Oh, Uganda!!
So, the reason now that this email will be much quicker is, as many of you know, I am back in the States for a couple of weeks. I got here on Saturday night and will be leaving on May 24th to go back to Budaka. I will be meeting with some church leaders and individuals about the next step for Cornerstone and how we can work together to accomplish all that the Lord wants to do in these children's lives. We want to be able to expand our help to orphans in Budaka and to do that, we will need to have a larger facility. So we are asking the Lord now for how that is to be accomplished...and that brings me to being here. The money was provided for me to be able to come and meet face to face with many people about our dilemma.
Things are going really well at Cornerstone. I talked with Rogers on the phone this morning and he was on his way back from Mbale, doing the weekly shopping for fruits, fish and bulk items (rice, maize flour, etc.). He said the children were well and everyone is doing their job. I left on Friday from there and am missing the kids and staff. It feels so much like a family. On Thursday night, after devotions with the children, I was praying for them individually as I tucked them into bed (actually tucked their mosquito nets in under their mattresses - see the picture attached for what it looks like before being tucked in). I had asked all of them to also pray for me that night since I was going to the States early in the morning. One boy, Johnson, who is usually quite mischievous, sat up after I tucked him in and reached out his hand through the mosquito net and put it on my forehead and began praying in Lugwele for me. It was a very touching moment - I praise God for what He is doing in the hearts of these guys.
On a lighter note, the other picture that is attached with this email is a picture of my lunch last Thursday. This is a typical lunch at the orphanage. On the right are 3 large sweet potatoes that have been boiled. In the same bowl you can see at the back a piece of avocado. In the bowl on the left is g-nut sauce, what I have described to several as hot peanut butter soup (sounds great, eh?). It is peanuts that have been ground into a paste, then cooked with water, tomatoes and onions. You take a bit of the potato and dip it into the sauce. Not my favorite thing to have, but I've learned to enjoy eating it, and for sure the kids enjoy it. By the way, the kids get just as much as you see here - 3 large sweet potatoes. The only difference is their sauce is poured on top of the potatoes and there is a bit less of it.
I am hoping to get to see most of you who are from around here...or in California as we will be down there in a couple of weeks.
Thank you so much for your continued support in finances and prayers for these 20 children and the staff. Each month you have faithfully prayed and sent in money as the Lord has directed you and all our needs are being met. May the Lord continue to bless you for your sacrifice. Please continue to pray for God to have His way in each one of us, adults and children.
Talk with you again next week! I'd love to hear from you.


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