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Monday, May 31, 2010

May 31st Update

Hey, Everyone:

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Just had to let you know about a couple more things...and send a couple of pictures for you too.
First, yesterday was the first time in my 34 years of ministry to get a turkey in the offering. I noticed the turkey (live, of course) near the back of the "sanctuary" and it started squaking, so Rogers' wife went and moved it to another room. I wasn't aware why it was there until during the offering (in which everyone comes to the front to put their items in the basket), a woman came and laid the turkey down at the bottom of the "pupit." It's legs are tied so it can't go anywhere and it just laid there. So, someone carried it home and now we decide what to do with it. I think we are going to slaughter it (sorry to all you weak of stomach) on Thursday and have it for Uganda Martyr's Day (ironic, eh?), which is the next holiday around here. It will be the special meal we have for the children that day. [One note: in the afternoon, the turkey was in our back yard while we were having family game time down at the Inn and apparently was attacked by some larger animal - feathers everywhere, the turkey hurt. But, apparently will heal, according to our nurse, who apparently doubles as a vet :-)]
We now have a teacher who comes on the weekends to teach the kids traditional crafts. You have a picture of the kids' first day. She taught them to string beads - the first step in learning to making the beautiful paper bead necklaces some of you saw when I was in the States. Everyone did well except Margret, who (being 4), grabbed hers by the other end to see what would happen and all the beads went bouncing on the cement. She was heartbroken, but then began again and has a completed one now.
In the last email, I told you about the mouse and lizard. Mistake! It is 2 mice...and they got into my good chocolate Ab sent for Mother's Day!!! BAD MICE!!! But, I guess they can't be all bad - they like dark chocolate. Anyway, today while I'm in Mbale, Auntie Betty is putting poison out for the mice. Hopefully that will take care of them. I slept with earplugs (thanks, ECC!) in all night last night again, so the mice may have taken more things...
The second picture you have is of Aunt Betty, Hope (4 months) and Prosper (5) after church yesterday. These are 2 of Rogers' 7 children (4 biological and 3 relatives' children that he has taken care of since they were small). Just thought you might want to see some of the family...
Okay, enough for today. Sure love you all! Keep those emails coming - I love hearing from you.


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