We have had such a demand for bakery products that we have expanded to 4 days a week baking instead of 3. And, in addition to that extra day, Abby and I have had to do a bit more baking on Sundays. I'm sure we will figure this out soon, but the requests for banana bread and other American sweets just keep increasing. We have just added a new selling location out west of us in Kadama. Kadama is smaller than Budaka. Our night watchman has a small business there, and asked if he could take some banana bread and pumpkin cupcakes (a new big hit!) and try to sell them. He took some samples and 6 to sell. He came back 5 hours later saying he had sold all of them and wanted 20 this week! Please continue praying for us as we try to keep up with the orders. We need wisdom for what the next step is. We have several challenges: our oven is too small and inconsistent (can go from 250 to 500 without anyone turning the dial - I brought back an oven thermometer and now we have figured out why so many things were getting burnt!), keeping quality up with more hands in the making/baking, finding the least expensive ingredients at various places, etc., etc. So, we are asking the Lord what is next and would appreciate your prayers. (Ann - thanks so much for the cookie racks - the stacking has really helped with space problems in our kitchen, which is really a bedroom that is about 10'x10'.)
Our older 3 children, Brenda, Natasha and Ronald, have begun coming to the adult service on Sundays (unless they are serving in children's ministries that day). I have included 2 pictures from yesterday's church of the 3 of them. I am so proud as I look over and see them listening and digesting what the sermon means for their lives. Also, watching them worship the Lord really encourages me!
School is over for this term and we will have the results for our kids on Wednesday. The kids are excited to be on holiday. Abby is spending more time with them doing fun activities both outside and inside.
A really funny thing this past week: Abby was explaining to the kids why she can't spend as much time with them now since she is working in the bakery 3 days a week (about 6 hours each day). She asked them if they knew why we have a bakery at Cornerstone. Their response? We are making our American food to eat at our house! HA! They think I have spent the past 6 months making all those cupcakes, cakes, cookies, etc., and am eating them all. So funny!! She straightened them out and now they are telling others that the bakery items are for sale to pay for their food and clothes.
Okay, have to go for today. I love you and love working with you in the Kingdom of God...seeing to the welfare of children and adults here in Budaka, Uganda. Thank you for shouldering this responsibility with me.
PS - no snakes this week. Yahoo!

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