I hope you all had a great Easter! We had a great time at church, then had time with the kids. They got to watch the original The Little Princess (with Shirley Temple) and got some special food for lunch. Then, on Monday (a holiday called "Easter Monday" here in Uganda), they came for a pancake breakfast (see picture of them waiting for food), then games on the playground with Rogers. I kept 2 of the girls (Brenda and Natasha) and they helped me make a cake for the kids. So fun to show them how to bake. You can see them sitting on the bakery floor watching the oven as the cake baked. So funny - they kept saying, "this is like watching TV!". How many kids in America would sit and watch something in the oven cook??
We got electricity back for 3 minutes on Saturday night - then it went off again. Seems someone decided to go and try to hook it up themselves and got it to work for a minute...well, 3 actually...but couldn't get it connected for good. It was fun during that 3 minutes, anyway. I am going to Umeme (the electric company) today to find out what we can do. Maybe I will have to wait till I'm in the States.
The kids have 1 more week of school until their 3-week break for the end of the term. They are having exams this week. They're very excited to have a break. Sure wish the timing was different for going back so I could be here during their vacation - it was so fun to be with them this weekend without the school boarders - it was just our 31 kids. They are (mostly) such great kids!
That's all for today - sorry it's so short, but I will be leaving in a week and have many things to get together. Love you all! Thank you again for your help for our kids, the school and all that is Cornerstone. See you soon.

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