We had a great Saturday School this past weekend. Abby had planned a fun time for the kids: games, songs, interactive Bible story and juice and cookies (called "biscuits" here). I have included a picture of the kids as she led us in singing a song to Jesus. For those of you who are getting to recognize our kids, you will notice that in front is Vanessa, in the red shirt is Stephen, and to his right is Barthlomew. I think Amos is next to Barthlomew, but can't quite tell. Anyway, we had a little over 160 children. Abby did 2 games of note: Snakes and Chickens (it's the same as Sharks and Minnows, but with relevant animals for here) and Home and Market (same as Ships and Islands, but again, relevant to this culture). The kids LOVE these games, just as the kids in America do. I have put a short video of the game on YouTube. Here's the link to see it: http://www.youtube.com/user/pastorld01#p/a/u/0/Ih_TAxonpms
The Bible lesson was about Jesus being asleep in the boat when the storm came. I brought my blanket for the boat and had 5 kids on it, including "Jesus" who was asleep. then four of our Cornerstone Learning Centre teachers took the four corners and made a "storm" as you can see in the picture. (The teachers are, from the left, James-P3, Joseph-P4, Rose-Baby and Lydia-P1.) I had a small container of water in my hands and sprayed the kids in the "boat," while the other 150+ kids blew a big wind at them. We all had a great time and Jesus got up and said, "STOP!" and we all stopped. The winds and waves definitely obeyed Him.
Natasha now has mumps - it seems to be hitting our kids one at a time. Not sure if that's better or all of them at once. However, I'd rather none of them got it!! Please keep praying. Also, right now Monicah, our "mom" for the girls, has malaria right now. Please pray for healing for her. In regard to illnesses, I found out last week that some of the boys have been feigning sickness so as to stay home from school. I heard about it when I was told someone stayed in his room because he had a fat lip. Hmmm...don't think that's a reason to not go to school. Sounds a lot like some American kids I've known...Anyway, we've rectified the situation by telling the "parents" that they are to send kids to school unless the child is willing to get treatment (either injection or pills) from Musawo Mary. None of them wants that, so healings have been miraculous!! Ha!
All the chickens are sold - the last ones we had to sell for Shs5,000 (about $2) as they were so small. We paid Shs2,800 ($1.12) for each, then fed them, gave them medicine, etc., etc. Anyway, they are gone and we learned a lot and will disinfect their house and begin again in September with a new batch from a different company...and with them innoculated the day they are born and again when we receive them. Please keep praying that we learn our lessons well during this time. Who wants to repeat the same mistakes over and over???
The kids have been learning on Wednesday nights (which are led by Abby, Geofrey and Monicah) to be thankful. They have sent thank yous to some of your churches and a few individuals. Then, last Saturday afternoon, they made a presentation with cards they had written to all the staff of Cornerstone. It was a touching time as they thanked each of us for the things we do for them. I have included a picture of them as Abby is getting them ready for their program. It was so great to see them being thankful for specific things from each of the staff members. I put my card up on my nightstand so I can see it each day.
Sure love you all. Thank you for being a part of this great miracle God is doing in Budaka...in our kids, in the church, in the school, and in the whole village. Rogers and I listed all the things that have happened in this first year and a half at the beginning of this retreat and were blown away with all that God has done. Maybe in next week's email, I will send the list to you. It is amazing. Thank you for partnering with God in this work. We appreciate you!!!

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