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Sorry this is so late in the week - I was unable to go to Mbale on Monday, so today is the first time I could send off an email.
Things are going so well with our 4 new kids! Baby Moses, who came to us so sick he couldn't lift his hand to his mouth to eat is now eating with gusto! We bought a sippy cup for him, not wanting him to spill liquids down the front of him, but he refused to drink from it till the lid came off and he could drink the liquids much quicker - the poor boy is STARVING! We are so glad he is now expressing his will - I'm sure we will be wishing he wasn't so willful in awhile, but for now everyone is relieved he wants to eat!
The first picture is a part of the inside of the house that the kids lived in before they came. The "food" you see is the little bit they could beg people for.
The second picture is when Rogers first went inside and asked the kids if they wanted to come with us. That is Natasha on the left and Moses in his arms. The whole "house" is about 10 feet by 10 feet. Oh, and I wanted to tell you I remembered incorrectly last week when I wrote. The kids have been alone, with Natasha as "mom," for 2 months, not 3 weeks. It is so great that God had that reporter do a story so we could get there and rescue them from this plight. Thanks so much to all of you who have made it possible through your prayers and gifts.
At church last Sunday we had 51 adults. It just keeps growing. Rogers and I were talking today about the fact that we do not advertise at all - there is no sign or banner or anything telling about the church, but by word of mouth (and the loud speakers!), people keep stopping in. Also on Sunday, 3 women from the apartments next door came and received the Lord as their personal Savior. Praise God! One was back on Wednesday night. Her name is Agnes. Please pray for her (and the others) as the Lord leads you.
We met with John, also a new convert, last week and prayed with him. His wife and adult sons are angry that he got saved and are trying to get him to change his mind. Please pray for him to stand strong and for them to come to the Lord.
Our children are doing end-of-the -term testing right now. We're very excited to see how they are doing compared to other children in Uganda. We know they will not be as high as children who have been in school regularly, but know that they are doing so much better than when they started. When I go over to visit, the children are always coming and saying, "Pastor Laurie, I can spell (some word they have learned)." Then they proceed to spell it. It's wonderful to hear their English and to see their excitement for learning.
All the children will be going home to their relatives' homes for a week (except our new 4 who do not have a home to go to) beginning the 16th of August. Please pray for their preparation and that they would bring the good news about God and what He is doing in each of them. Pray for our staff, too, as they get a break for about 1/2 of a week each.
One of you emailed me last week to say she felt the Lord gave her an idea for raising funds for land and buildings here. I want to pass on her challenge to all of you. (She has asked that I not identify her in name, so I will honor that.) She felt the Lord ask her to challenge all of us to each raise or give $1,000 for this project. Perhaps you are to talk to friends and tell them what is happening her and ask them to give to this. Perhaps you have the money are are supposed to just choose to give it. I don't know how you will be moved by the Lord, but I do want to pass on her challenge. I told her Rogers and I would pray about her idea. Both of us felt it was from the Lord, and so I am passing it on to you. Would you listen to the Lord and ask what your part is? Are you to pick up this challenge? Pass it on to others? I'd love to hear what you are hearing about it (and anything else, of course!). We are waiting on the Lord for what He is doing about beginning the school in January. If we don't have the $ by about October, we will know this isn't the year to begin. We want to do His work in His way, and know that He will bring His resources for it.
Thanks so much for all you are doing for His work. You are His workers in Budaka...even though most of you will never even be here in person. You're amazing! God bless you.
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