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Monday, February 22, 2010

Feb 22nd Update

Click to enlarge

I am so excited to tell all of you that we have been with the kids now for one week! We are having a grand time! It is so wonderful. It feels like they have been here for weeks. The first day was a bit hair-raising - no rules, they're from villages and have had the run of the wild during the day. But after a couple of days, they had settled down and are becoming a family. It's great to see the older ones helping the younger ones get their food, cool their tea, peel their eggs, etc. They have come with many diseases and conditions, but we have a physician's assistant (Mary) who comes morning and evening and is getting them the medications they need. We are also de-worming all of them. We have to do this every 3 months as there are many opportunities for them to get worms, apparently. They take everything in stride, except Charity, the youngest, who screams every time Mary comes close.
The children are so happy - they play and laugh and sing together. We have been teaching them many songs about Jesus, and they absolutely love them. I will be sitting in my office doing paperwork and hear a group of children break out in song, then the sound gets louder as all of them come together and mimic what we have taught them and are singing at the top of their lungs about Jesus. What a great thing!
The kids began school today - they are so excited. For about 1/2 of them, they have never been to school before. I have attached a picture of all of them sitting on the benches outside (before they went into their classrooms) learning how to sit and listen and be respectful in a classroom. They were buzzing with excitement about the whole thing. Today we pick up their uniforms - this is a Ugandan must...and to make 18 outfits cost about $40! That's us buying the fabric, taking it to a tailor and having them made. We also bought "smart" shoes (dress up) and knee high socks to go with the uniforms. They will look so great!
Our staff is doing well for the most part - we are working on a couple of them, but I have to say they all love children and are committed to what Cornerstone stands for. The names of our staff are: Christine and Stephen (cooks); Geoffrey and Lillian (mother and father...not married); Cephas (night watchman) and Rogers, Auntie Betty (Rogers' wife), David (teacher) and myself. God is working on bringing us together as a family. We have had to give one warning to one employee...she has 2 more and then is fired. But, she has really come around since we talked with her, so perhaps she will make it.
Each night we have devotions with the kids at 8pm - that's 9am your time. It has been so sweet and wonderful. The children love the attention and the Bible stories. Then either Rogers or myself tuck them in bed and pray with each separately. They are loving it. They also love the beds and mattresses...for many they have never slept on a bed. Thanks to all of you who helped make all this possible financially! They have clothing, bedding, great Ugandan food, medications necessary and some small toys (a tennis ball each, jump ropes - thanks to Vancouver Friends Church, and a stuffed animal each). They so cherish each thing that is theirs - no one else can touch or hold it. They have mostly never  had anything of their own. They also now have flip flops and shoes - most have never worn anything on their feet, so they are getting blisters between their first and second toes. But, we brought bandaids so they are okay.
The church is also going well - we had 44 yesterday. We will soon outgrow the room we have rented, but it feels great to have so many together in a small place. We have Sunday services in the morning and at night if there is no soccer game - the same room is used to show the games. Then we have prayer on Wednesday mornings at 5:30 and service Wednesday night at 5:30. It's a full schedule with the orphanage, too.
Rogers' wife had her baby last Saturday, Feb 13. It's a girl - Hope - and she is doing well. I don't get much time with her because of my work at the orphanage, but it's wonderful to have this new little life as Cornerstone and it's new little life begin. A great picture for us.
Please continue to pray. We are so thankful for your time on your knees for us, as well as the financial gifts you are sending so we can continue meeting the needs of these little ones, and reaching the people of Budaka. We pray for you and think of you all.
Love from Uganda,

Friday, February 12, 2010

Feb 12th Update - first Sunday picture

Hopefully this will come through to all of you. This is a picture of those who attended the first Sunday of Cornerstone Christian Center. I'm the white person :-)

First Sunday Picture

Feb 12th Update

Hey, Everyone!
Thanks so much for your support - I feel like I am not the only one over here, that there are many who are helping this dream of Cornerstone become a reality. Your prayer, financial support and emails are so important to me and to the people we serve here in Budaka. Thank you.
So, here are some things that are happening:
  • We had the crusade and had 14 people (that we know of) saved. Hallelujah! I preached the first night from Hebrews 13:8 - that Jesus is the same today as he was yesterday and will be forever. People responded to the call for salvation, healing and miracles in their lives. There was a huge thunderstorm, accompanied by probably 2-3 inches of rain that began around 2 pm that day. It's the first day it's rained since I have been here. The crusade was to begin at 5:30. I was watching the storm, thinking we would have to cancel. At about 4pm, the Lord said to me to get moving and get ready - there would be no rain that night. So, I got ready and it was still raining very hard. At about 5:15, the rain suddenly stopped and we had no rain the rest of the evening. Amazing! When I talked about miracles, I was sharing about Jesus being the master of the winds and waves and shared with them about what the Lord had said to me. So nice that He gave an illustration to us of His miracle power.
  • We had 2 days of training this week for our staff. The training was great - the emphasis being on us becoming a family of people working together to help the children and to see the Kingdom of God come in this place. The new employees responded well and we did several exercises together to get to know each other. Here are the names of our staff - please be in prayer with us for them: Christine and Stephen - cooks; Lillian and Geoffrey - house parents; Cephas - night watchman (he is getting trained with a bow and arrow to protect us); Mary - physician's assistant; David and Betty - teachers; Rogers and I - directors.
  • Our first church service was last Sunday and we had 29 in attendance - WOW! Even some of the people who got saved at the crusade were there. Then Wednesday we had early morning prayer (6 came at 5:30!) and an evening service at 5:30 with 19 in attendance. God is moving in Budaka. People are responding and getting saved, delivered and healed. We have had lots of requests for counseling also - there is a lot of witchcraft, spells put on people, etc. here and people are not sure how to get free. We will continue to be available to people for help in their everyday lives. Please pray for wisdom in this...and another translator. At this point, we have only Rogers who speaks Lugwelle - the local language.
  • Our kids come on Monday - I'm so excited to get to be with them in an ongoing way. One of the things I have felt from the Lord is that I am to do evening devotions with the whole group - simple Bible stories with fun songs - and then tuck each child into bed and pray for them individually. Since they don't understand English, Rogers and I will be doing this together at least for the short term. I'm excited for them to feel the presence of a mom and dad who love and care for them. Please pray for those who are scared about the new place and new people. Even some of the children are scared of me because I'm white - I'm the first muzungu (white person) they have ever seen. Pray that the Holy Spirit will give them peace inside when they see me.
I will write again within in a week or so to let you know how our first week has gone. I pray that your lives will be full of the presence of the Lord and you will respond to all that He asks you to do right there in your neighborhoods. God bless you as you continue to seek Him.
In His great love,