An update on our bakery business: I needed coconut for a recipe, but couldn't find any I bought a coconut at the "supermarket," got on line and found out how to drain it and break it open. Then, Betty (Rogers' wife) and I peeled it and then put it through the grater on my food processor. And, voilÄ! Shredded coconut. You can see what I'm talking about from the pictures. So, now I can make things with coconut. People haven't tasted it here before, so this is a new thing, but those who have had a bit to taste have enjoyed the flavor and texture.
I also have discovered that banana bread is a great thing to make here - there are lots of bananas of various varieties. And, so, I began making banana bread with the ones that were turning. People love it! I can sell a loaf for Shs10,000=/ ($4.33USD) and it costs just about shs5,000=/ ($2.16 USD) to make it. We are still trying to find our niche in the food world in Budaka and Mbale, so maybe this is it...
The chickens have not yet started laying, but it's looking promising. Again, my patience is being worked on!
Yesterday we gave out new school shoes and socks for the school year that begins today. I have included one of the kids, Junior, in his new shoes. We had them try them on with their play clothes so we could make sure they fit. You can see his new socks draped over his left shoulder. The other kids are sitting and waiting till their name is called. Thank you to all of you who support financially, as it is because of you that we are able to buy things like these shoes for our kids. Abby and I went to many resale shops in Oregon, Washington and California while we were on the road visiting you late last year and found all our kids their black school shoes (required color for school here). Most of the shoes we paid no more than $5 per pair and they are so much nicer than anything we can get here in Uganda! Thank you.
As I said, school begins today and we had 93 new children register to come to school. That would be an almost 100% increase over last year, if they all show up. Rogers says, from his experience, we can expect about 75 of them to actually show. Since the school is one of our businesses that will support the work, we are thrilled with this new group who want to come! If you have facebook, you can see the pics of our kids and the teachers this morning on their first day of school. I have included a picture of all our boys (except Moses) taken this morning right after their breakfast. Don't they look sharp??
I had a rather distressing time on Saturday - I heard gun shots while at my house and then got a call from Betty saying I should lock up the house and gate quickly. She made sure the orphanage got locked down also. I heard more gun shots...then saw people running down the road in front of my house away from town. "Can't be good..." I thought. I waited a couple of hours before I found out what had happened - some vigilantes wanted to take justice into their own hands and kill a suspected murderer who the police were holding. They stormed the police station, then burnt down a business. (They wanted to burn down the police station.) The police responded by shooting tear gas and then bullets. One man was killed, a woman passing by was shot in the side and a child was shot in the arm. The resistance was put down and most were arrested and put in jail. I had to be in lock-down for 3 hours...and it was 107 degrees outside! So hot inside with no windows open! At this kind of time, I wonder what in the world I am doing in Uganda??? Luckily, these kinds of things are few and far between. (One team just left and another is coming in 2 weeks - both missed this "wonderful" moment in Budaka. So glad you weren't here, Hillsboro and Hesperia teams!) Thanks to all of you who pray for us - God is protecting us. Thanks to Deb, our prayer chairman, who doesn't mind being awakened in the middle of the night to pray and encourage.
Enough for this week. We are excited that the Hesperia team comes to Mbale next Tuesday and to Budaka on Saturday and Sunday. We announced your coming yesterday and the church is delighted to receive you!
God bless you all! Thank you again for your participation in the Gospel. God is good!