We traveled to Kampala today to pick up the team from Sunnyside Foursquare Church. They will be here in about 6 hours. We are all so excited to receive them. Our Cornerstone Kids have songs and dances ready for them when they arrive in Budaka tomorrow, Friday, just after lunchtime. The kids have had one team members' name this past week and have been praying especially for that person as they come.
The kids in Kabuna (one of the day camps we will do) came yesterday to register - we have room for 100 kids and 300 showed up! That camp begins on Monday and runs 3 days from 9am-3pm each day. Actually, we begin at 8am feeding them porridge for breakfast. We also feed them a great lunch - palau (sp?) rice and meat sauce. I wasn't able to go out to Kabuna, but Abby told me it was heartbreaking to see the poverty and then have to turn kids away who we know need the food and would have so much fun at camp.
The other camp begins on Friday in Budaka and will run 4 days - Friday, Saturday, Monday, Tuesday. Same timing and meals. Please pray with us that kids will be touched for eternity during these camps.
I have included a picture of Rogers talking to the kids in Kabuna about the camp. This shows about 1/2 of the 100 kids. They are dressed in their Sunday best!
The 2nd picture is the line of kids waiting, hoping they will get a spot in the camp. Please note how many do not have shoes...and remember, these are their best clothes. The ones without shoes have none. I am always so touched when I am out in one of the villages at the extreme poverty. For most of these children they have 2 sets of clothes (some only 1!) - one for church and the other for every other day.
A request for all of you:
We have a Cornerstone Calendar made for 2012 which we would like to sell in the States as another small business venture for Cornerstone. Thank you to Matt, who has put the whole thing together for us with pictures of the work in Budaka, individual kids' pictures on Sundays so you can have someone to pray for all week, Ugandan holidays, pictures of significant events in the life of Cornerstone, etc. American holidays are also listed and there is space for you to fill in appts, etc. Would you be willing to take several and sell them at your church, your work, to your family, neighbors or whomever you think might be interested? We will have a definite cost soon, but are thinking we will sell them for $20 each. Please email me and let me know of your interest so we know how many to have printed. There are just about 200 of you on the email list right now and if even half of you could sell 10 each, that would bring us enough income for 2-3 months operation of the orphanage, help us begin the building of the school, and/or give us money to invest in the other businesses for long term support. The calendars will be ready by the end of September...and would make wonderful Christmas presents ;).
I want to say thank you to all of you who continue to support us financially, who encourage us through emails, packages and snail mail and text us with encouraging words. You all have been such a blessing to me in this past year and a half. May God continue to bless you.
In His great and sustaining love,