I trust you all had a great Easter! We also had a wonderful time here in Uganda. We had a short service (only 2 hours and 15 minutes!) so people could go home and finish preparing their meals. Easter and Christmas are known for lots of food here - kind of like Thanksgiving there at home. The adult and children's services were both full of the life of God. A small group of our children had prepared a song for the adults and they came in and performed for us. I have a video, but, alas, I cannot send it via email.
The first picture you have is of our kids on Sunday afternoon with the cake they got as a special treat for Easter. We first ate a very large lunch of matooke, macaroons (that's what they call spaghetti noodles here), pork in a broth, chapatti (like a tortilla) and water to drink. The children then went for a rest time in their rooms. Afterward, we played games with them that Abby had planned. The last game was a treasure hunt (new concept for them, but oh, so fun!) which ended with the treasure of a cake and soda. This was about 2 hours after the lunch. The kids all looked at the cake and cheered, then asked if we could wait to eat it as they were still "satisfied." We would say "so full." So, we went and watched Finding Nemo with them. After that, they were ready for the cake and soda. Thank you so much to all of you who support this ministry...your gifts give them not only their regular food, but on days like this very special foods that others are enjoying but they would not be able to have except for you. THANK YOU! All the kids thanked the Lord, and then prayed for you.
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Ben, Brenda, Rogers, Abby and Monicah at Sipi Falls |
The second picture is of Ben and Brenda with Rogers, Abby and Monicah (the matron for the girls at the orphanage) yesterday at Sipi Falls. The kids got to go 2 at a time out over the flowing water, walking on the rocks, to see the waterfall at a closer distance. For all our kids, this was the first time they had seen a waterfall. Actually, there were so many firsts for our kids yesterday, I think I should list them:
- first ride in a bus
- first time out of Budaka District
- first time to see Mbale (the "big" town near us)
- first time to meet people who didn't speak their language
- first time to be up so high that "all those people look like rats down there!"
- first time to be on a mountain
- first time to be carsick (only 2 of them...)
- first time to be scared of heights going up the side of a mountain (about 1/2 of the children and 2 of the adults)
We set up lunch (our cooks had made it so we could take it with us), began serving and suddenly had a deluge of rain. So, we all ran with the food, some with their plates and got back on the bus to eat. Then we waited...and waited...and waited for the rain to subside. Finally, after about an hour we were able to head up the hill to the waterfall. The paths were quite slick and more than one of us went down on the way. Charity bit the dust (mud?) at least 2 times...full frontal fall once. We were so muddy and wet on the way home, but everyone continued singing and talking excitedly. (Margret began saying, "are we in Budaka yet?" within 2 minutes of leaving, and continued throughout the trip home!)
On other notes
- I have finally finished about 12 hours of repairing clothing so our kids can look "smart" again.
- The day schoolers and boarders are all home until May 23rd, so we have special things for our kids each day.
- The rains have come with a vengeance...and we are SO glad. Now all the plants are coming up and we have re-planted the parts that had dried up.
- Political disturbances seem to be settling down.
- Brenda and Hellen (who spent the night on Friday night) have decided to live at our house...HA!
- Isaac (4 years old) has decided he wants to live in a bus for the rest of his life
- Our house still doesn't have electricity, but the owner every week comes by to tell me "It will be this week!"
- We are this week renting the land for the restaurant. I will be sending pics to the team that is coming of buildings that I think would be great. Turns out we could build our own place on rented land for much cheaper than re-doing a building we would rent. Anxious to see how this turns out.
- The chickens should start laying in about 4 weeks. We still have about 140 - haven't heard an exact count this week.
- We are having a water baptism service this Friday morning - taxiing everyone to Mbale. We have 19 as of Sunday. I will have pictures.
First pic - our kids at Sunday School on Easter. (There are few extras in there too!)
Second pic - Moses walking with Abby outside the kids' rooms. The holes in his pants are because he scoots on his bottom everywhere and wears through the pants. Then they turn them around so he can wear through the other side!
Enjoy...more pics on the way.
Enjoy...more pics on the way.

First pic - the kids on the coaster (bus) yesterday when we were setting out. Didn't look quite this good when we were on our way home :-)
Second pic - some of the kids at the base of Sipi Falls. Note the look on Brenda's face - several were quite scared of the falls and the height and the path and...well, all the new experiences!
First pic - Abby leading her group of kids across the rickety bridge - we walked and the bus drove by itself, then we re-loaded. So much faith required here...in so many ways
Second pic - William and Johnson's turn on the rocks with adults David, Abby, Rogers and Geofrey. Notice the look on William's face and Johnson holding on to the rock - all were trying to be brave, but that water was rushing by quickly and they were way up there! (Don't you love that even when we go to outings like this, girls and women have to wear dresses and skirts!! Brave Abby to climb the rocks in a skirt!)